Local business recognised for 20+ years with Fair Dinkum sheds

WHILE the majority of local businesses have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in some form, Grulke concreting contractors well built reputation has kept business thriving.

GCC received recognition in February for being an agent/ franchise from the famous Fairdinkum sheds for supplying sheds to Roma and district for over 20 years.

The founding director of GCC, Russell Grulke said it’s humbling to be recognised by founding leaders in the industry.

“We’ve been with them for all this time because as I say, if it’s not broken, don’t fix it,” he said.

“People seem to think the grass might be greener on the other side but if you’re happy with what you’re doing and the people you’re working with, it makes sense to stick with them.

“They’ve got a great computer generated shed program so customers can everything they need done in the one place, which makes it a lot more convenient for them.”

Mr Grulke said the highlights of his business has been being fortunate enough to be able to work on two local hospitals in his career, most recently the Roma Hospital project last year.

“There’s not too many people who will get to work on a hospital in their hometown once in their lifetime and I’ve been lucky enough to do two,” he said.

Mr Grulke said being an established business who go above and beyond to provide a high quality, local service has helped them stay afloat in these uncertain times.

“We’ve been able to keep everyone on, and maintain our ten employees on the payroll,” he said.

“We’re one of the lucky ones. I feel for a lot of businesses that are unable to do what we’re doing and can’t trade normally or can’t trade at all.

“The building industry hasn’t shut done in any form, we’ve currently got a job going on at Pinaroo and will be starting work on the new Supa IGA soon too.”

Original article from The Western Star News
